AV Shifts

Brand owners used to think about innovation as new product development

Creating products and services that built
off existing brand equities or attempting
to exploit opportunities with new brands.
But we’ve all seen the 80-90% failure rates for this approach – and the risk rarely delivers the upside that will make your
brand famous.

Identifying the potential for brand to go beyond the functional benefits of the product or service and access more valuable emotional and cultural connections with customers is the first step to brand fame.

So, we use deep understanding
of human values and behaviors coupled with insight into emergent cultural and technology spaces. And we fuse this inspiration with expertise from multi-disciplinary teams – design, engineering, media, interactive… to unlock and navigate the experience potential.

And then it’s about applying the principle of design thinking: working together to iterate development, launch beta, learn and re-apply in the marketplace, and constantly look for ways to evolve and augment the experience for customers.

Read more on how Innovation
can help your brand.