AV Shifts
Growth Finder

At its heart, Growth Finder
is all about understanding
and targeting a person, in
a moment

Crucially, it brings understanding of who is buying and why – as well as what they’re buying, where and when – so we can generate relevant activation.

It is a multi-dimensional approach that embraces multiple elements to help understand consumption: by knowing who the person is, our communication can be more inspiring and effective; by knowing their needs and mindset on a given occasion, we can be more relevant; by understanding where they are we can
target better.

And because our mobile data collection allows us to gather data in the moment,
we have ongoing consumption information feeding into the framework of demand spaces – which means that you can modify marketing activities by time of day, week or year. And we can link the data into shopper and media sets to help align activation.

Read more on how Growth Finder
can help your brand.